Saturday 29 June 2024

Hawne Basin


Here I am Rune

Distance 11.9 miles

Total 5054 Locks  366 Tunnels

Running total mileage 7,599.4 miles


As stated yesterday a straight run back to Hawne Basin from Wolverhampton today, which in fine weather was a pleasant run. The only hiccup was when we got to Netherton Tunnel on schedule to get back to the basin before the shop had shut, thereby enabling us to fill with diesel and replace the empty gas bottle. That all went somewhat awry when the tunnel was shut for a canoeing/paddleboard event, so we had to stop for lunch on the north side of the tunnel, and by the time we eventually got back to the basin, the shop was shut so we’ll have to sort out the gas/diesel on Monday (the shop is going to be shut tomorrow).

After that it will be heading back to our postal address on Tuesday to vote in the election on Thursday and hope for a change of Government.

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