Wednesday 12 June 2024



Here I am Rune

Distance 4.4 miles

Total 5000 Locks  360 Tunnels

Running total mileage 7,473.5 miles


Once again, today went largely to plan, set off at about 11am, headed on up the Atherstone Flight stopping for lunch at 1pm and getting to Hartshill at about 4.30pm. Stopped off in Atherstone for a quick visit to the supermarket for a ‘top-up’ shop and emptied another Thetford cassette at the sanitary station at the top of the Atherstone Flight. The only fly in the ointment is that my main means of off-canal transport, a mountain bike, has broken. If I can remove the thread on the pedal that has sheared, it will only cost a minimal amount to repair, however if I can’t it will need a new bottom bracket so a visit to a bike shop somewhere will be necessary since I don’t think I have the tools to fix it on the boat. I’l have a look at it in the next few days and see what I can do.


Tomorrow we should make it onto the Ashby Canal, pending any disasters

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