Monday 17 June 2024



Here I am Rune

Distance 16.1 miles

Total 5000 Locks  362 Tunnels

Running total mileage 7,517.6 miles


Made a bit more of a longer day of it today, started out at about 10am, stopped for lunch at 2 - 3pm and finished cruising at about 5.50pm, hence the increased distance of over 16 miles today. On a canal like the Ashby it is easier to do since there are no locks. The reason for the increased distance is that we now have a schedule to keep to enabling us to get back to Hawne Basin on 30th of the month, as long as we keep ahead of the schedule, we’ll be OK.

The weather seemed to throw all available options at us today ranging from hot sun to torrential rain (which didn’t seem to have been forecast).

Originally we were going to stay moored here tomorrow to go and visit a relative, but there seems to have now been a change of plan, so we’ll carry on with our schedule tomorrow with at least getting to Hartshill and possible to Atherstone top lock.

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