Sunday 2 June 2024

Tixall Wide


Here I am Rune

Distance 9.3 miles

Total 4982 Locks  359 Tunnels

Running total mileage 7,436.1 miles


Today was the sort of day that one goes boating for, a canal that has plenty of depth, fine sunny weather all day and only a few boats on the move, so we travelled to our intended destination of Tixall Wide. Moorings with the best view were already taken but that was expected for a fine Sunday in June, but since we intend to remain here for a few days, and some of the boats moored in the wide are hire boats, it is almost certain that moorings will become available. Not that there is anything wrong with where we are moored, it’s just that it is nice to get a mooring overlooking the Tixall Gatehouse.

As I say, I’m not sure how long we’ll stay here, we have water and toilet space for about 6 days but will probably move on sometimg mid-week. My intention tomorrow is to walk the to bus stop and catch the bus to Stafford to go swimming.

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