Saturday 1 June 2024



Here I am Rune

Distance 0.8 miles

Total 4976 Locks  359 Tunnels

Running total mileage 7,426.8 miles


A very short hop today, just to get us a bit closer to Penkridge village which gave me the opportunity to go to the excellent bread shop, Jaspers, in the village and stock up with bread for the next few days. You can tell how good the bread is because there is usually a queue (today 10 people). One very unhappy person however who had obviously queued for a while but when he got into the shop found out that they don’t take cards or contactless. The notice in the shop says,”we are unable to take cards or contactless at the moment” however when we were loitering here 3 years ago, it had exactly the same notice, so it obviously isn’t some temporary arrangement. As the gent was walking out I was tempted, in my best yokel accent to say,”You’m not from round these parts are you’m” but thought it might unnecessarily aggravate him, clearly all of the locals know full well that it is cash only.


I had hoped to make use of the leisure centre here with it's 17 metre swimming pool, however they were doing lifeguard exams in it today so it was out of use.


Tomorrow the plan is to do the domesticky stuff (water,rubbish,Elsan) before leaving, then head onto Tixall wide, which is about 9 miles away (and a few locks).

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