Wednesday 19 June 2024



Here I am Rune

Distance 4.5 miles

Total 5011 Locks  362 Tunnels

Running total mileage 7,534 miles


Well, we got the phone call from daughter with the excellent phone signal at last night’s mooring. Moved on today, pretty much the same distance we did going up the canal and have again moored at Grendon. The Atherstone flight were OK but some of the pounds were down a bit causing one or two contacts with the bottom. It was pretty busy though, which was helpful in some ways as many of the locks were set for us by boats coming in the opposite direction. By contrast, at the CRT volunteer station at the top of the flight they had chalk marks to show how many boats had gone through, when we started only 2 had come up whilst over a dozen had gone down.

Tomorrow, disasters aside, we should comfortably get to Fazeley which is where our last option for taking a short cut back to the basin goes. Since we both prefer the route we have come, that is the route we will be sticking to, and hope no broken locks or fallen trees interfere with our plans.

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