Saturday 8 June 2024



Here I am Rune

Distance 11.2 miles

Total 4987 Locks  360 Tunnels

Running total mileage 7,453.1 miles


As planned, we stayed at Rugeley to get the weekend shop and moved on Saturday morning down as far as Kings Orchard Marina on the Coventry Canal. No real dramas today although the Coventry Canal is a bit shallow in places, I pulled over to let a heritage boat, who was obviously going quicker than we were, to go past and found myself aground. No real problem, just reversed off but it showed that as soon as you move out of the centre channel you quickly run aground. I think we had a bit of a communication problem with the heritage boat since as he passed he seemed to be suggesting that where I’d pulled over wasn’t a good place to moor, whereas I wasn’t mooring, just moving out of his way.

Tomorrow we need to reach Fazeley since, with a fit of adventurism I’ve booked a skiing session at the Snowdome on Monday afternoon, so we need to be there for me to go.

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