Tuesday 18 June 2024



Here I am Rune

Distance 11.9 miles

Total 5000 Locks  362 Tunnels

Running total mileage 7,529.5 miles


Once again an easy day’s cruising with no locks so we’ve chalked up just short of 12 miles. We could have gone onto Atherstone, about an hour away, but I checked my phone as we reached Hartshill and having seen 2 phone masts, thought the signal here would be quite good, and it is. We are anticipating a phone call from daughter who was going to ring on Sunday (Father’s Day) but there was no phone signal at all at Snarestone, where we were moored.

Tomorrow it will be through Atherstone locks and probably back to Grendon where we moored on the way up. Need to be in Fazeley by Friday morning as I’ve got my second skiing lesson booked then!

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