Sunday 16 June 2024



Here I am Rune

Distance 8.5 miles

Total 5000 Locks  361 Tunnels

Running total mileage 7,501.5 miles


It was a fairly easy cruise to the Canal terminus at Snarestone and, unlike yesterday, the weather was very much with us, either sunny or cloudy but no rain at all. We will stay here overnight, even though there is pretty much no phone signal at all, but good internet. It means that the planned Father’s Day call from my daughter wont be happening though. We are trying to calculate the route back to the basin, we’d both prefer to go back the route that we’ve come since it is a scenic route, but we will need to be a bit quicker going back than we were going. I don’t mean taking the boat any faster, but we wont be able to have the 1,2,3 or 4 day stops we had on the way here, it will just be overnight stops and it is just about manageable without rushing.

The alternative is to go back into Birmingham on the Birmingham and Fazely canal, but that isn’t a route into Birminghan that either or us like. If we as still on schedule by the time we reach Fazeley we will know how ‘doable’ it is.

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