Tuesday 11 June 2024



Here I am Rune

Distance 8.8 miles

Total 4989 Locks  360 Tunnels

Running total mileage 7,469.1 miles


A fairly striaghtforward day today, topped up with water, emptied the Thetford cassettes at Fazeley Mill Marina and then headed back on down the Coventry canal towards Atherstone where we have now moored about half a mile from the bottom lock.

Whilst moored at Fazeley I managed to do the skiing course without coming to any harm, if we pass back through there on the way back I may well do the second part of the course and gain the ‘qualification’ of being a recreational skier, not that it means a whole lot other than if I go to one of these places again I can just have a session of hiring the kit and doing my own thing.

Tommorow we head up the Atherstone flight on our way towards the Ashby Canal, if all goes to plan I expect to be on the Ashby by Thursday, just as another band of rain comes in. Are we ever going to get a summer this year?

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