Monday 1 September 2014

Hazlehurst (again!)

Here I am Rune
Distance 7.1 miles
Total 573 Locks 19 Tunnels
Running total mileage 868.6 miles

So back to Hazlehurst for the night. Slow going back up the Caldon from Froghall as today there were quite a lot of workmen doing repairs on the towpath with diggers operated from the canal so they tended to block the canal a bit. Also it seemed that we were going against the flow so progress was fairly slow even without the workmen. Had a thought of going on to Endon for the night but then realised that if no moorings were available we would have to press on into the next lot of locks and didn’t fancy doing that. Tomorrow it should be back to Engine Lock meaning that it will be Wednesday before we leave the canal, next point of interest will be the Harecastle Tunnel, which we’ve worked out that it was probably 20 years ago since we last passed through it.

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