Thursday 14 September 2023


Here I am Rune

Distance 4.7 miles

Total 4877 Locks  333 Tunnels

Running total mileage 7,249.9 miles

Weather not as good as forecast, supposed to just be cloudy but drizzly rain for a lot of the day. We went up Atherstone Flight as intended and after stopping at Atherstone for lunch, went on to Hartshill, so we are still well ahead of the itinerary since according to that we only needed to get as far as the Atherstone visitor moorings below lock 5. Quite busy through the locks, but that was no bad thing since it meant there was usually a boat coming down as we went up, so locks were often already prepared for us.

Tomorrow the plan is to get to Hawkesbury junction, notwithstanding any disasters, I can’t see why we shouldn’t.


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