Here I am Rune
Distance 12 miles
Total 4946 Locks 341 Tunnels
Running total mileage 7,345.5 miles
After a pleasant stay in Birmingham City Cente, on a fine day we’ve made the trip back to Hawne Basin (I think the boat knows it’s own way given the number of times we’ve done it). There was quite a bit of surface weed on the canal, but since it didn’t wrap itself around the propeller it didn’t cause any problem. It would seem that the canal maintenance isn’t really keeping up though, at the old toll islands there was a lot of plant growth hanging over the canal and when I went through the alternative side we then picked up a load of fabric around the propeller. Since it seemed quite shallow, and we were still able to make progress, I waited until we stopped for lunch at the Netherton North Portal to go down the weed hatch to clear it.
We’ll now be in the basin until we head for home on Tuesday.