Sunday, 5 July 2015

Goole Docks

Here I am Rune
Distance 2.3 miles
Total 1291 Locks 70 Tunnels
Running total mileage 1829.2 miles

At last we have made it to Goole Docks and found a mooring. The mooring wasn’t the easiest because as we pulled in the boat that had been moored in front of us at Rawcliffe Bridge had taken one of the three visitor moorings and a bigger cruiser that had overtaken us on the way into Goole had taken another, we have managed to squeeze in on the end slightly overlapping the waterpoint. If anyone is desperate for water I’m quite content for them to breast up alongside.

Had a long chat with a couple of relatives that I hadn’t seen since 2007 and took a snack at the café at the Waterways Museum with them. I think the serving staff (who are all volunteers) are still learning the job a bit since fairly simple fare seemed unexpectedly complicated to deliver but ultimately we all got something to eat and drink so no harm done.

RUNE and relative in Goole Docks
We then took a stroll around the museum where the relatives were able to identify people from the historical photos on the walls, shows how long they have lived in Goole!
I think the plan at the moment is to stay here tomorrow and then head back towards the South Yorkshire navigation on Tuesday.
.....and RUNE without me or relatives in Goole Docks

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