Distance 4.7 miles
Total 1339 Locks 70 Tunnels
Running total mileage 1895.2 miles
A particularly gentle day today of 4.7 miles and one lock, although
the wind made it a bit more testing that strictly necessary. In honesty we don’t
have any real reason to rush since we have until Tuesday to get to Thorne which
is only about 7 miles away (plus 2 locks and 4 swing bridges). Just out of
interest to find out where the marina is in Thorne I took a bike ride there
from here at Barnby Dun, about 5.5 miles each way. Part of the reason for the
ride was for a bit of physical exercise as well. Eventually found the marina
but still not entirely sure how. I stopped at a marina above Thorne road bridge
to ask for directions and all the guy in there could tell me was that I needed
to go over the road bridge but he wasn’t sure where you went from there. Eventually
found it but by then all the staff had gone home so my hope of finding out
where they wanted me to moor was in vain.
The ride back to Barnby Dun was interesting since, as I
passed Thorne Golf Club three little oiks aged between 9 and 11 came riding
their bikes out of the car park, whether they’d been screwing the cars or
nicking the golf ball is anyone’s guess (oh those stereotypes!), but it would
be fair to say that if I had seen them looking over the boat I would have kept
a very wary eye on them. Anyway as I caught them up the youngest, who was
riding one of these ridiculous ‘stunt’ bikes much loves by some kids called out
“Oi Grandad, want a race?”. Now I was always told by a good solicitor friend
never to ask any question that I didn’t already know the answer to, a lesson
that this particular ‘oik’ has just learned. I replied, “Yeah, OK, if you want”
to prove that whilst growing old is compulsory, growing up is only optional. I gently
increased my pace to about 12mph in the face of quite a strong headwind and the
three of them tried to race. The muppet on the ‘stunt’ bike with one fixed gear
hadn’t got chance since his little legs would go into meltdown trying to keep
up with anyone on a bike with gears, his second friend was riding a pretty run
down mountain bike that he had difficulty in getting it to stay in gear, only
one of them was riding a halfway decent mountain bike. It was this third one
who could keep up with me. Since it was quite windy I took advantage of this to
tuck in behind him so that he sheltered me from the wind however, every time he
tried to slow down I moved out to overtake him so he felt obliged to increase
speed again. After about 500 metres his two friends were about 200 metres
behind us and after about 800 metres they were 400 metres behind us at which
point the little oik looked back and said,”F*ck that” and stopped to wait for
them to catch up. By the time I reached Stainforth they were out of sight on a straight
section of road where it was possible to see for about half a mile. The moral
of the story being before challenging anyone on anything it is always best to
know their history, before retirement I would quite happily go off on a 100km
bike ride and in earlier years have cycled from Lands End to John O’ Groats so
a couple of 9 – 11 year olds were, shall we say, easy meat. I’m sure one day I’ll
learn to grow up!!
Once again we had the dear old Humber Princess come past us again, now empty and going a bit faster (well enough to rock us).
Humber Princess passing our little Rune! |