Tuesday, 22 October 2024

King's Norton Junction


Here I am Rune

Distance 8.35miles

Total 5054 Locks  377 Tunnels

Running total mileage 7,633.85 miles


So after a day's break at Tradebigge, giving me the opportunity to pop into Bromsgrove for a swim, we move on, back to King’s Norton Junction. I was hoping to get a bit further but we were slow away this morning as we filled with water on a particularly slow water point, so didn’t get on the move until 11.45am. After that the trip was OK, three more tunnels under our belt although Wast Hill is a bit of a wet tunnel.

We had a bit of rain that I’m not sure was forecast, but nothing too onerous. Tomorrow I’m not sure exactly where we will get to, the minimum should be Shirley Drawbridge, but I also want to put in at Bridge 20 to visit an excellent bakery nearby, Wedges to get some bread.

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