Sunday 8 August 2021

Brierley Hill, Merry Hill

Here I am Rune

Distance 7.4  miles

Total 4318 Locks  279 Tunnels

Running total mileage 6,578.2 miles


Once again, back on the move after 2 weeks out and it seemed to go OK. Only went as far as Merry Hill but included a short trip up to Parkhead/ Dudley Tunnel which is one of the IWA Silver Propeller locations. Although we have actually already done all of the locations, they only count if done since the beginning of 2018, so we are needing to revisit some, just for the fun of it.


Tomorrow the plan is to go down the Delph flight to get to the Stourbridge Canal, Fens Branch, which is another Silver Propeller location. Whether we overnight there or continue down the Stourbridge flight and go into Stourbridge hasn’t been decided yet, depends on how long it takes us and what the weather does tomorrow.



  1. It would be interesting to see how far up the Fens branch you get!

    1. We went just far enough to fulfill the requirement of IWA Silver Propeller, i.e. winded at Brockmoor Junction. Interestingly there was a boat moored along the old Stourbridge Extension arm, and the canal looked clear as far as Heywoods Bridge. On the IWA site it gives leeway to turn at Brittania Bridge because of some boom across the canal but we didn't see one.

      Hope to see you both back out on the system soon with your new boat
