Friday 10 May 2024



Here I am Rune

Distance 12 miles

Total 4946 Locks  350 Tunnels

Running total mileage 7,381.5 miles


As promised, here we are back in May 2024. The regular trip into Birmingham as a sort of ‘shake-down’ cruise to find all of the defects that have accumulated during the winter period. I was aware that I had a minor coolant leak (so minor that I can’t find out where it is leaking from) but since the header tank had drained down during the winter, we also now seem to have got air in the system. We had to stop after passing through Netherton Tunnel as the engine was starting to overheat. When we set off again after lunch I left the cap off the header tank to try to ‘encourage’ the air lock to make it’s way out, and in fairness some bubbles of air did come out, although it was also pushing out the coolant, so that will need topping up again.

After the overheating issue I dropped the engine revs by about 200 rpm and we got into Birmingham without any further overheating  but since we will be going back to the Basin, I will have to try to find out what is causing it

We are in Birmingham until Monday as we have tickets to see Eric Clapton (a follow-on from last weekend when we we to the Principality Stadium in Cardiff to see Bruce Springsteen.

After this concert, it’ll be back to the basin

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