Wednesday 29 May 2024

Autherley Junction


Here I am Rune

Distance 4 miles

Total 4970 Locks  359 Tunnels

Running total mileage 7,416.2 miles


As planned, we headed off down the Wolverhampton 21 lock flight passing through it in a reasonably creditable time of 4 and a quarter hours. Since you cannot really pass a boat on the flight and we caught up with the boats ahead of us, there was no way (nor any reason) to go down it any quicker. The weather sort of held up with only a couple of showers as we went down. The boats that we caught up with were two who had been in Hawne Basin at the conclusion of the BCN Challenge ‘Misty Blue’ and ‘Axolotl’, ‘Misty Blue’ apparently heading off up the Shroppie and ‘Axolotl’ going on towards Great Haywood.

A slightly more relaxed day tomorrow, expecting a cruise to Gailey so about 8 miles or so.

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