Tuesday 28 May 2024

Bentley Bridge, Wolverhampton


Here I am Rune

Distance 12.7 miles

Total 4949 Locks  358 Tunnels

Running total mileage 7,412.2 miles


So now out for our first ‘proper’ cruise since last year, rather than the two ‘test runs’ we’ve had so far. The coolant problem looks good so far (ever the pessimist), but I’m still not sure that I’ve managed to fix the leak at the stern gland, I think that the threadlock that I applied may have failed, although the alternative would be that the nuts themselves aren’t tight enough (but then I don’t want to overtighten them either).

The weather wasn’t looking too optimistic according to the forecast, but when the rain stopped I decided we may as well go for it since the forecast for most of the rest of the week is no better. The only place the rain came down ‘proper’ was after I’d gone through Netherton Tunnel for about half an hour until we got to about Caggy’s Yard, so the rain stopped for us to do Factory Locks, which was a bonus. Tomorrow the plan, weather permitting, is to head down the Wolverhampton 21.

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