Saturday 12 October 2013

Seend Wharf

Map reference  ST 93161  61399
Distance 4.5 miles

Total 205 Locks 7 Tunnels

Running total mileage 183.7

You may notice a significant increase in the number of locks completed since the last posting, this is accounted for by the prodigious number at the Caen Hill flight that we have now completed. It wasn’t too bad actually even though we had to pass through with the ‘worst’ possible conditions in that we were the only boat travelling so we had to operate the locks on our own (but with a very capable Canal & River Trust volunteer to assist) rather than buddies up with another boat (and crew!). All of the locks were against us since the last boat through had also gone down the flight and just to add a little frisson it was pretty windy. Despite all of the above we still managed to complete the flight in about 4 hours with another 1½ hours to cover the remaining locks beyond the flight. All in all quite a pleasant experience. 

We are now moored at Seend Wharf opposite The Barge public house and have just enjoyed a pleasant lunch at the pub whilst meeting with my sister and her husband.

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