Thursday 15 August 2013

To Braunston

Map Reference SP 53742 65892

Distance travelled 12 Miles

Total 59 Locks 6 Tunnels

Making up today for not having completed yesterday’s record so the total distance is in fact for two days not just today. Interesting couple of tunnels we have travelled through to reach Braunston, which seem to be the chandlers capital of the canals! Have stocked up on a few essentials (loo chemicals, mooring lines and pins) and will probably be back in the chandlers tomorrow for further items (oil filter, gas key).

Back to the tunnels, Crick tunnel was Ok although it was a bit of a smoky transit since another smokier boat had passed through just before we did so initially couldn’t see the far end of the tunnel when entering. The second tunnel, Braunston tunnel, however was a whole different kettle of fish. It is the longest so far (2048 yards) and the busiest passing 4 boats coming in the other direction. The passage isn’t helped by the ‘kink’ in the middle of the tunnel which I didn’t see until the last minute as I was dazzled by an approaching boat’s tunnel light, so unfortunately gave the tunnel wall a bit of a clout, no apparent damage done though. Fortunately the boat that had dazzled me had actually stopped since if it hadn’t we would probably have also collided in the ‘kink’. Altogether a bit of a learning experience!

The final mishap was once we were in Braunston, which is quite a busy junction; I managed to pick up someone’s discarded sheet in the canal which wrapped itself around the propeller and shaft bringing us to a halt in the middle of the busiest area. Tried forward and revers to try to free the propeller, and to try to get out of the way of traffic, but unable to move at all. The only option was to stop the engine, open the weed hatch and spend 10 minutes freeing the sheet from the propeller. Once back under way apologised to the single boat that we had held up, and was totally blanked by the helmsman, as though I had deliberately and inconsiderately blocked the canal, can only wish a similar incident of bad luck happens to him in similar circumstances to teach him a bit of humility!!

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