Monday 5 January 2015

Sneyd Junction

Here I am Rune
Distance 5.1 miles
Total 783 Locks 35 Tunnels
Running total mileage 1207.4miles

Back along the Wyreley and Essington Canal as far as Sneyd Junction today, a fairly comfortable distance of only just over 5 miles. In pleasant winter sunshine for a lot of it, it was the sort of day that makes being on the boat such a pleasure. Unfortunately a lot of days recently have been just very dull and miserable, can’t really say that I’m much of a fan of this time of year, can begin to see the benefits of hibernation!

We stopped here (with the permission of a gent from CRT) because there is a bit of a shortage of mooring places on this particular section of canal. The next available mooring would have been at Walsall Top Lock, and I have to say that there are better moorings than that. Sneyd junction is OK but a little bit too close to the M6 motorway so we can hear the constant roar of traffic from here.

Tomorrow the plan will be to get through Walsall locks and moor in the town arm.

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